MediaWiki API help
This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.
Documentation and examples:
list=logevents (le)
- Questo modulo richiede i diritti di lettura.
- Fonte: MediaWiki
- Licenza: GPL-2.0+
Get events from logs.
- leprop
Quali proprietà ottenere:
- ids
- Adds the ID of the log event.
- title
- Aggiunge il titolo della pagine per l'evento nel registro.
- type
- Adds the type of log event.
- user
- Adds the user responsible for the log event.
- userid
- Adds the user ID who was responsible for the log event.
- timestamp
- Adds the timestamp for the log event.
- comment
- Adds the comment of the log event.
- parsedcomment
- Adds the parsed comment of the log event.
- details
- Lists additional details about the log event.
- tags
- Lists tags for the log event.
- Valori (separati da | o alternativa): ids, title, type, user, userid, timestamp, comment, parsedcomment, details, tags
- Predefinito: ids|title|type|user|timestamp|comment|details
- letype
Filter log entries to only this type.
- Uno dei seguenti valori: Può essere vuoto, o block, protect, rights, delete, upload, move, import, patrol, merge, suppress, tag, managetags, contentmodel, newusers, interwiki
- leaction
Filter log actions to only this action. Overrides letype. In the list of possible values, values with the asterisk wildcard such as action/* can have different strings after the slash (/).
- Uno dei seguenti valori: block/block, block/reblock, block/unblock, contentmodel/change, contentmodel/new, delete/delete, delete/delete_redir, delete/event, delete/restore, delete/revision, import/interwiki, import/upload, managetags/activate, managetags/create, managetags/deactivate, managetags/delete, merge/merge, move/move, move/move_redir, patrol/patrol, patrol/autopatrol, protect/modify, protect/move_prot, protect/protect, protect/unprotect, rights/autopromote, rights/rights, suppress/block, suppress/delete, suppress/event, suppress/reblock, suppress/revision, tag/update, upload/overwrite, upload/revert, upload/upload, newusers/newusers, newusers/create, newusers/create2, newusers/byemail, newusers/autocreate, interwiki/*
- lestart
Il timestamp da cui iniziare l'elenco.
- Tipo: timestamp (formati consentiti)
- leend
Il timestamp al quale interrompere l'elenco.
- Tipo: timestamp (formati consentiti)
- ledir
In which direction to enumerate:
- newer
- List oldest first. Note: lestart has to be before leend.
- older
- List newest first (default). Note: lestart has to be later than leend.
- Uno dei seguenti valori: newer, older
- Predefinito: older
- leuser
Filter entries to those made by the given user.
- Tipo: nome utente
- letitle
Filter entries to those related to a page.
- lenamespace
Filter entries to those in the given namespace.
- Uno dei seguenti valori: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
- leprefix
Filter entries that start with this prefix.
- letag
Only list event entries tagged with this tag.
- lelimit
How many total event entries to return.
- Non più di 500 (5 000 per bot) consentito.
- Tipo: intero o max
- Predefinito: 10
- lecontinue
Quando più risultati sono disponibili, usa questo per continuare.
- List recent log events.
- api.php?action=query&list=logevents [apri in una sandbox]